About K.M.N.Vaidyasala
KMN vaidyasala was established at Kodungallur in Kerala State of India in 1925 with the mission of restoring Ayurveda as a main stream health management system. In fulfilling this mission, KMN vaidyasala is at the forefront of Ayurvedic resurgence by providing pioneering leadership in the manufacture of quality ayurvedic medicines, establishing health care centres and specialty clinics and formulating meaningful directions in research in Ayurveda.
KMN vaidyasala offers classical Ayurvedic medicines and authentic Ayurvedic treatments and therapies to patients from all over India and abroad. With the legacy in Ayurveda for over 90 years we needed to take up the full potential Ayurveda has to offer throughout the world.
Dr Sreerudran became the Managing Trustee on the demise of his father Narayanan Vaidyar. He is leading Vaidyasala for more than half a century. Narayanan Vaidyar.Serves also as the Chief Physician ably assisted by other senior and experienced physicians. Under his leadership Vaidyasala has grown into a multi-core, multi-unit, organization and has been recognized as the premier centre of Ayurveda in the country. He made KMN vaidyasala the synonym of authentic ayurveda.

Madhavan Vaidyar

Narayanan Vaidyar